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Dr. Olaf Konstantin Krueger, M.A. | Galleries. Australia, SA, Adelaide – Schützenfest 2010.

Letztes Update:


20.12.2014, 20:00 ACST


Overview: Australia, SA, Adelaide – 2010


Impressions of my trips through Adelaide, January 2010.

A mouse click on the picture of your choice opens an enlargement.



Australia, SA, Adelaide – Schützenfest 2010 (5/6)



Australia, SA, Adelaide – Schützenfest 2010 (6/6)


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Australia, SA, Adelaide – Schützenfest 2010 (5/6)



Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.

[065] 20100109

[066] 20100109

[067] 20100109

[068] 20100109

Quod sensus ostendit, id credit animus.

Schützenfest Merchandise.

Wer trinkt, um zu vergessen, sollte im Voraus zahlen.

Schützenfest 2010.


Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.

[069] 20100109*

[070] 20100109

[071] 20100109

[072] 20100109

German Folkdance Circle.

"Flaming Sambucas".

"The Shiny Brights".

"The Shiny Brights".


Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.

[073] 20100109

[074] 20100109

[075] 20100109

[076] 20100109


Schützenfest 2010.


Schützenfest 2010.


A taste of Germany.


Erich Wilhelm Reuschle.


Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.

[077] 20100109

[078] 20100109

[079] 20100109

[080] 20100109


Schützenfest 2010.


Schützenfest 2010.


Schützenfest 2010.


Heid kemma d'Vegl oisam zam.

Zum Webseitenanfang

Australia, SA, Adelaide – Schützenfest 2010 (6/6)



Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.

[081] 20100109

[082] 20100109

[083] 20100109

[084] 20100109

View Adelaide Now.

View Daily Telegraph.

Meeting the stylist.

View The Herald Sun.


Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.

[085] 20100109

[086] 20100109

[087] 20100109

[088] 20100109

View The Courier Mail.

View Perth Now.

View The Australian.



Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.

[089] 20100109

[090] 20100109

[091] 20100109

[092] 20100109*


Schützenfest 2010.


Schützenfest 2010.


Schützenfest 2010.


"Wine & Sparkling".
[750 × 1125 px]


Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.

[093] 20100109

[094] 20100109

[095] 20100109

[096] 20100109


A visit from the boss.


Auditory learners rarely take notes.


"Jungle Jooce".
[750 × 1125 px]


Working Down Under.


Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.

[097] 20100109

[098] 20100109

[099] 20100109

[100] 20100109

Capturing the mood.

Schützenfest 2010.

Schützenfest 2010.


Zum Webseitenanfang


Photographic Studio (Login)

Photo: Zoom in.



Motive z. B.: Luft­bild­auf­nah­men; Bran­den­bur­ger Tor, Reichs­tags­ge­bäu­de, Pots­da­mer Platz, Check­point Char­lie, Kur­für­sten­damm, Mu­se­ums­in­sel, Olym­pia­sta­dion, Spree etc.

Bad Aachen.

Motive z. B.: Rat­haus, Post­wa­gen, Aachener Dom, Eli­sen­brun­nen, Eli­sen Ga­le­rie, Mar­schier­tor, Pont­tor, Eu­ro­gress, Spiel­ca­si­no, Tech­ni­sche Hoch­schu­le etc.


Motive rund um den Köl­ner Dom.


Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.



Motive z. B.: Mira­bel­len­gar­ten, Re­si­denz­brun­nen, Dom, Nep­tun­brun­nen, Fes­tung Ho­hen­salz­burg, Ge­trei­de­gasse etc.

Berchtesgadener Land.

Motive z. B.: Berch­tes­ga­den, Salz­berg­werk, Kehl­stein­straße, Kehl­stein­haus, Kö­nigs­see, Wall­fahrts­kir­che St. Bar­tho­lo­mä, Watz­mann etc.


Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.



Motive z. B.: Victoria Square, Central Market, Chinatown, Light Square, Hindley St, Rundle Mall, Rundle Rd, Adelaide Arcade, North Tce, Railway Station, UniSA etc.

Oktoberfest München.

Motive z. B.: Wiesn-Ein­zug der Fest­wirte und Braue­reien, An­stiche, Mün­che­ner Trach­ten- und Schüt­zen­zug, Stand­kon­zert der Ok­to­ber­fest­ka­pel­len, Ok­to­ber­fest-Lan­des­schießen, Ok­to­ber­fest-Arm­brust-Lan­des­schießen, The­re­sien­wie­se, Fest­zelte, etc.


Photo: Zoom in.

Photo: Zoom in.


Aachener Kul­tur­som­mer.

Car­men Fla­men­co, Sarah Con­nor, Sta­tus Quo, André Rieu & het Strauß Orkest.


Anna Kir­mes.

Letztes Update: 20.12.2014, 20:00